was used to treat indolent wounds because it was found to
diminish rubor, suggesting a change from an inflamed to
noninflamed healing state. In the 1920s, the US Food and
Copyright © 2006 by the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society J WOCN
July/August 2006 367
Nancy Tomaselli, MSN, RN, CS, CRNP, CWOCN, CLNC, President
and CEO of Premier Health Solutions, Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Corresponding author: Nancy Tomaselli, MSN, RN, CS, CRNP,
CWOCN, CLNC, President and CEO, Premier Health Solutions,
LLC, 4 St. Martins Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
(e-mail: ntomaselli@PremierHealthSolutions.com).
The Role of Topical Silver Preparations
in Wound Healing
Nancy Tomaselli
Since ancient times, it has been known that silver reduces
inflammation of wounds and promotes healing. Partially owing
to concerns over bacterial resistance and a growing awareness
of the deleterious effects of bacteria and their toxins on wound
healing, a wide variety of silver products are now commercially
available. This article reviews the effects of silver on wound
bioburden and its role in the management of complex wounds.
Many wounds healing by secondary intention become
indolent, resulting in pain and suffering to the pa-
tient and increased healthcare costs. The resurgence of in-
terest in silver preparations is directly related to concerns
about the deleterious effects of bacteria and the toxic chem-
icals they produce, commonly referred to as wound bio-
burden, on healing. The character and severity of wound
bioburden are attributable to the quantity of colonized
microbes, the virulence and number of different species
in a particular wound, and the adverse effects of the tox-
ins they produce.1Wound bioburden impedes healing and
compromises the effectiveness of advanced wound care
therapies such as topical exogenous growth factors and
bioengineered tissues. Identifying bioburden as the cause
of indolent wound healing is difficult because many af-
fected wounds do not exhibit classic signs of infection and,
therefore, go untreated. As a result, many clinicians have
overlooked the significance of bioburden at the subinfec-
tious level.2
Silver has been used as a healing agent since the time of
the ancient Romans.3In the early 1900s, colloidal silver
Drug Administration accepted colloidal silver as a wound
treatment. With the introduction of antibiotics in the
1940s, research on medical applications of silver declined.
Nevertheless, Fox introduced 1% silver sulfadiazine cream
in 1968, which, 35 years later, is still the leading topical
agent for the treatment of burns.3
Wound Bed Preparation
Silver preparations may not be effective if the steps to opti-
mize the wound bed are not addressed before initiating
therapy. According to Falanga4and Sibbald and associates,5
the goal of preparation is to optimize the wound bed to en-
sure unimpeded tissue repair and regeneration. Specific
interventions required to achieve this goal include de-
bridement, elimination of bacterial burden, establishing a
moisture balance, eliminating edema, correcting causative
factors, and addressing local and systemic factors. Silver
agents contribute to wound bed preparation by controlling
the bacterial bioburden. However, silver preparations
should be used as a component of a total wound bed prepa-
ration plan if they are to be effective.
Some wounds exhibit severely impaired healing or do
not heal despite comprehensive wound bed preparation.4,5
In these cases, cellular and biochemical abnormalities have
been identified that are hypothesized to impair wound
healing, but their precise role in wound bed preparation is
not yet understood.
Levels of Bacterial Contamination
The potential for a wound to become infected is determined
by the microbial load, the type of microorganism, and the
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2006;33(4):367-380.
Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ilver has been used as a healing agent since
the time of the ancient Romans.
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368 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
ability of the host to resist infection, as represented by the
following conceptual formula5:
The significance of bacterial loads and wound infec-
tions is reflected in the following observations: (1) bio-
burden is present in more than 90% of all wounds, (2) more
than half of chronic wounds progress from contamination
to infection, and (3) surgical site infections are the third
most frequently reported nosocomial infection.6,7
The first level of bacterial involvement is contamination.
Contamination exists when bacteria are present within the
wound bed but are not proliferating. All chronic wounds are
contaminated, but this level of bacterial presence does
not interfere with tissue repair and is therefore considered
The second level of bacterial involvement is coloniza-
tion. Wounds are said to be colonized when organisms at-
tach to the wound bed and begin to multiply. Simple
colonization indicates proliferation of bacteria within a
wound but no accompanying host response and no inter-
ference with wound healing. However, colonization may
be associated with the formation of a biofilm, which cre-
ates a physical barrier around the bacterial cell mem-
brane. Biofilm formation interferes with treatment when
simple colonization progresses to critical colonization or
The third level of bacterial involvement is critical colo-
nization. Although enjoying increasing acceptance among
clinicians and researchers, specific criteria defining the pres-
ence of critical colonization have not yet been validated.8-11
Nevertheless, critical colonization remains an important
clinical concept.12 Critical colonization refers to levels of
bacteria on the surface of the wound that, in combination
with secreted toxins, cytokines, and proteases, are sufficient
to interfere with wound healing. Toxins are chemicals that
cause an adverse host response and vary in terms of po-
tency. Bacterial species capable of generating more potent
toxins are more virulent and are associated with a greater
risk of critical colonization and subsequent tissue damage.
Risk of wound infection Bacterial dose viru
Host resistance
less potent but contribute to the formation of biofilms and
the production of matrix metalloproteases. In addition, en-
dotoxins adversely effect collagen deposition and cross-
linking, reducing wound tensile strength and increasing the
risk of wound dehiscence. Thus, both endotoxins and exo-
toxins can significantly compromise the tissue repair.
Although it is clear that critical colonization requires
treatment, its presence does not typically produce the red-
ness, heat, swelling, and pain that are traditionally consid-
ered the “hallmarks of infection.” Nevertheless, clinical
indicators of critical colonization are gradually being de-
fined. They include (1) a sudden reduction in the quantity
or quality of granulation tissue (a pale edematous wound
bed that is nongranular in appearance, granulation tissue
that is a dull dark red, or granulation tissue that is bright
red, foamy, and bleeds easily), (2) new areas of unex-
plained breakdown in the wound bed, (3) epithelial bridg-
ing, (4) an increase in the volume of exudate or change in
color of exudate (eg, green-blue staining), and (5) an in-
crease in pain or change in character of wound pain.13 A
sudden plateau in healing may also be an indicator of crit-
ical colonization.14
The fourth level of bacterial involvement is infection.
Infection occurs when bacteria proliferate and invade
healthy tissues, overwhelming the local host immune re-
sponse. Concentrations of 105of bacteria per gram of tissue
indicate a clinical infection.
Antimicrobial Benefits of Topical
Silver Preparations
One of the reasons for the renewed interest in the use of sil-
ver preparations is the increasing incidence of bacterial re-
sistance and the recognition that antibiotics should be
reserved for invasive infections.1Research has demon-
strated that a positive ionic energy is released from col-
loidal silver when it is combined with a neutral liquid.6
This ionic charge enables the silver cation to bind to and
damage bacterial cells at multiple sites. Low levels of silver
can prevent replication and cause the death of micro-
organisms. Silver is nonselective, resulting in antimicro-
bial activity against a broad range of aerobic, anaerobic,
Gram-negative, and Gram-positive bacteria, yeast, filamen-
tous fungi, and viruses.6,12,3 Ovington12 reports that anti-
microbial dressings, such as silver, play a role in reducing
bacterial numbers and exotoxin release. Silver also has
other prohealing or anti-inflammatory properties, as sug-
gested by the loss of rubor in chronic wounds treated with
silver.15 Because of the biological compatibility of colloidal
silver, it can be used in many topical forms, such as creams,
gels, and wound dressings.
Antimicrobial Performance
of Silver Dressings
The concentration of silver needed to exert a bacteriostatic
or bacteriocidal effect depends on the local wound environ-
acteria that generate more potent toxins
are more virulent and are associated with
greater tissue damage.
Bacteria generate 2 major types of toxins: exotoxins and en-
dotoxins. Exotoxins are produced by both Gram-positive
bacterial species, such as Staphylococci and Streptococci, and
by Gram-negative species, such as Pseudomonas. They attack
many types of cells and can cause generalized tissue necro-
sis at the wound surface. In contrast, endotoxins are pro-
duced only by Gram-negative bacteria. They are generally
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 368
Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 369
ment.3Silver is effective against superficial pathogens, but
it may not inhibit bacteria that have penetrated a signifi-
cant distance into the wound bed (deep infection). Sibbald
and associates16 suggest this may not be an issue for contam-
inated or critically colonized wounds where the organ-
isms have not penetrated the wound bed. Consequently,
silver is indicated for mild wound infections, but not celluli-
tis. Antimicrobial silver preparations can be used to help de-
crease the bacterial count when colonization or critical
colonization is suspected.
proteins, and biofilm bacteria are surrounded by a nonpro-
tein material that may protect the bacteria against the anti-
microbial. Because of complex factors such as the presence
of a biofilm, mixture of multiple bacterial species, tissue pro-
teins, and anions, silver dressings may never achieve the kill
rates in vivo that are seen in vitro. Without the availability
of in vivo studies, clinicians must make assumptions about
the superiority of one dressing over another on the basis of
in vitro data.17
Differences in Various Types
of Silver Preparations
Silver with a positive charge is known as ionic silver or the
silver cation and is abbreviated as Ag+. All silver-based
dressings contain the same active ingredient, the silver
cation, but use different methods for creating and incor-
porating a reservoir for the release of the silver cation.
There are differences in the composition of the dressings
that affect their performance in terms of maintaining
moisture or managing exudate. Antimicrobial silver dress-
ings also differ in the amount of silver they contain and
the rate at which silver is released. Ovington17 reports that
although in vitro studies show varied performance among
dressings with higher amounts or faster release rates of sil-
ver, no in vivo data exist to support this assumption. There
are a variety of delivery vehicles for delivering silver cations
(Ag+), including creams, cloths, hydrofibers, alginates,
foams, pad and island dressings, hydrocolloids, barrier
dressings, cavity strands, perforated sheets, gels, adhesive
strips, elastic wraps, tubular stretch nets, and gloves. Table 1
categorizes antimicrobial silver dressings according to form,
description, function, antimicrobial sensitivity, and indi-
cation. These preparations are designed to treat specific in-
fections as indicated by the manufacturers. They do not
cure infection but can inhibit the progression of bacterial
penetration. The use of saline should be avoided because
it will reduce the release of ionic silver. Papain-urea debrid-
ing ointment is inactivated by silver salts and should not
be used in combination with antimicrobial silver dress-
Selection of the most appropriate silver dressings must
be individualized.19-21 Maintenance debridement is needed
to remove both bacterial debris and exudate, which pro-
duce senescent cells. More silver is not necessarily better be-
cause excessive concentrations may delay healing if the
silver attacks host cells.22 In addition, wide variability exists
in the amount of clinical evidence supporting the use of in-
dividual products.23
Providing the patient, family, and care providers with
a greater understanding of the treatment plan will encour-
age their participation in wound management and ensure
appropriate application of silver products. Education in-
cludes appropriate wound care techniques, signs and symp-
toms of infection, and when to contact a healthcare
ntimicrobial silver preparations can be
used to help decrease the bacterial count
when colonization or critical colonization is
The antimicrobial performance of silver dressings may
be evaluated by a variety of in vitro methods. The first is a
zone of inhibition study. An agar plate is inoculated with
bacteria and a silver dressing is placed on the plate. During
incubation, bacteria grow and the silver dressing releases
cations. If the cations kill the bacterial cells, no growth or a
clear area around the dressing will be visible, called the zone
of inhibition.17 The second in vitro method is a log reduc-
tion study, which measures the decline in colony forming
units (CFU). An antimicrobial silver dressing is added to a
test tube containing a solution with bacteria. Measurement
requires removal of a portion of the solution from the test
tube at different time points to determine whether bacte-
rial counts are decreasing. The efficacy of silver against a
specific strain of bacteria is measured as a logarithmic re-
duction in CFU over time.17 Silver preparations are consid-
ered bactericidal if they induce a 3 or greater log reduction
in a 30-minute assay. Alternatively, percentages may be
used to measure reduction in CFUs. The clinician should
note that the reduction in logs is much less when calculated
as a percentage.
Specific terms are used to analyze the effective concen-
tration of silver. Minimum inhibitory concentration refers
to the minimum concentration of silver that an agent must
have to be bacteriostatic. A minimum of 0.08 parts per mil-
lion of silver is required to control the growth of bacteria.
Minimum bactericidal concentration refers to the mini-
mum concentration of silver that an agent must have to be
bactericidal. A minimum of 0.4 parts per million of silver is
required to kill bacteria.
In vitro studies using the testing methods described in
the preceding sections have been performed on simulated
wound fluid in the laboratory.17 These data are not from real
life situations, and clinical studies on human wound fluid
are necessary for comparative data. In vivo studies need to
be conducted to determine if bacteria in biofilm are less sus-
ceptible to antimicrobial silver dressings. Silver binds to
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370 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
Antimicrobial Silver Dressings
Antimicrobial Product;
Form Description Function Sensitivity Indications Manufacturer
Silver sulfadiazine cream
(apply twice daily)
Cloth (7 days)
Alginate (>3 days)
Collagen (daily or as per
frequency depends of
level of exudate)
Silver +sulfonamide
antibiotic in an aqueous
cream vehicle
Activated charcoal cloth
impregnated with
0.15% metallic silver;
antimicrobial binding
dressing; kills organisms
that are adsorbed
(bound) onto the charcoal
Calcium alginate,
guluronic acid, silver
coated nylon fibers
Matrix composed of 55%
Type I bovine collagen
(derived from cow hide).
44% ORC, and 1% silver-
ORC salt. The silver-ORC
salt releases 0.25% ionic
Delivers low levels of silver
without injury to host
Delivers collagen to provide
a structural support for
cellular and capillary
Combines antimicrobial
action of silver ions with
the antibiotic action of
sulfonamide anions
Barrier to bacterial
penetration; traps bacteria
and odor; charcoal binds
and reduces endotoxin
Manages wound exudate,
intact removal from
wound bed; sustained-
release of silver ions at the
wound surface
Comes in contact with the
wound surface after
hydration from wound
fluid or with saline solution
Biodegradable gel is
naturally absorbed into
the body over time
Gel absorbs destructive
components such as
bacteria and proteases
into the dressing
Bacteria absorbed into the
dressing are killed by ionic
antimicrobial activity
Bactericidal for many Gram-
negative and positive
bacteria and yeast
No studies for MRSA and
antimicrobial; effective vs
>150 wound pathogens,
Staph aureus,
P. aeruginosa
S. pyogenes, E. coli, C.
perfringens, Candida
Bactericidal activity vs >150
strains of clinically
relevant bacteria
Second and third degree
burns (note: not for those
with sensitivity to silver or
sulfa); skin discoloration
may occur; may leave
Partial and full-thickness
wounds; can be used
under compression
Partial and full-thickness
wounds with moderate-
to-high volume exudate
(note: do not use on
third-degree burns or on
patients with known
sensitivity to silver)
Diabetic foot ulcers, venous
ulcers, pressure ulcers,
ulcers due to mixed
vascular etiologies, full-
thickness and partial-
thickness wounds, donor
sites and other bleeding
surface wounds,
abrasions, traumatic
wounds healing by
secondary intention,
dehisced surgical wounds
for wounds with low
exudate moisten with
saline solution
May be used under
compression therapy with
professional healthcare
supervision or infection
when proper medical
Actisorb* Silver 220,
Johnson & Johnson
cel* Johnson &
Promogran Prisma*Matrix,
Johnson & Johnson
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 370
Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 371
1.2% silver
Hydrofiber: sodium in
wound exudate binds to
the dressing, causing
release of silver from the
dressing fibers
Controlled release of
nanocrystalline silver;
small particle size allows
for greatly increased
surface area of silver in
contact with the wound
Acticoat*7: Two rayon/
polyester nonwoven inner
cores laminated between
three layers of silver-
coated, high-density
polyethylene mesh
Absorbs fluid, forming a
cohesive gel
Silver kills microorganisms
that become locked in the
Bacteria killed at wound-
dressing interface (reduces
wound bioburden)
Antimicrobial barrier with
controlled release of ionic
Modulates MMPs
MRSA, VRE, resistant strains
wound pathogens
Bactericidal to a wide range
of bacteria (inhibits >
150 organisms), antibiotic
resistant bacteria and
treatment addresses the
underlying cause (note:
do not use with third-
degree burns, or in
patients with known
sensitivity to silver, ORC,
or collagen)
Acute and chronic wounds
with moderate to heavy
Diabetic foot ulcers, partial-
thickness burns (second
degree burns) on children
and adults, skin graft and
donor sites, surgical
wounds, leg ulcers,
pressure ulcers
Can be moistened with
water or saline for use in
dry wounds
Can be used with
compression or pressure-
relieving devices (note:
do not use on patients
with known sensitivity to
this dressing or any of its
Acticoat*7 (note: must
moisten with sterile
Absorbent dressing:
moderate to heavy
Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber
Wound Dressing,
Smith &
Hydrofiber pad or ribbon
(7 days)
Burns (14 days)
Cover with secondary
dressing (can be
changed more
frequently than 7 days)
Barrier dressing (7 days)
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 371
372 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
Alginate dressing and rope
(3 days)
Barrier dressing (3 days)
Moisture control dressing
(7 days)
Dressings: contact, pad,
island adhesive strip,
elastic wrap, tubular
stretch net, gloves
Antimicrobial Silver Dressings (Continued )
Antimicrobial Product;
Form Description Function Sensitivity Indications Manufacturer
Acticoat* absorbent: silver-
coated calcium alginate
Upon contact with moisture,
silver ions are released
Acticoat*3: rayon/polyester
nonwoven inner cores
laminated between an
upper and lower layer of
silver high-density
polyethylene mesh
Acticoat* Moisture Control:
nonadhesive wound
contact layer, highly
absorbent hydrocellular
technology, water film,
visible strikethrough
indicates when dressing
change is required
Island dressing: multiple
layers incorporate a silver
wound contact layer,
absorbent rayon pad
covered with a film,
transparent (urethane)
layer, and an adhesive
border of nonwoven
fabric tape
Pad dressing: semi-adherent
silver wound contact
layer with absorbent
rayon pad covered with
transparent film
Forms a gel that maintains
moist wound healing
Maintains a moist wound
environment, wicks away
excess exudate
Permits oxygen and fluids to
pass to and from the
wound surface
Reduces swelling,
inflammation, and pain
Pad: provides moisture
control (not absorbency)
Broad spectrum of bacteria,
All dressings: partial and
full-thickness wounds:
pressure, venous and
diabetic ulcers, first and
second degree burns,
donor sites, recipient
graft sites
Dressings can be used under
compression dressings
and before and after
application of Dermagraft
(note: do not use on
those with known
sensitivity to silver or
during MRI examinations)
Wide variety of acute and
chronic wounds: burns,
incisions, skin grafts,
lacerations, abrasions,
dermal ulcers, rashes,
animal bites, insect bites;
diabetic and pediatric
May require moistening
& Nephew
Smith &
Acticoat* Moisture Control,
Smith & Nephew
Silverlon Wound & Burn
Contact Dressing,
Argentum Medical, LLC
Silverlon Wound Pad
Medical, LLC
Silverlon Island Wound and
Surgical Dressing,
Argentum Medical, LLC
Silverlon Wound Packing
Argentum Medical,
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 372
Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 373
Negative pressure dressing:
silver plated nylon mesh
with flowports that allow
passage of fluid
Combines ionic silver with
slow-released polymers
Silver is delivered
continuously at a
constant rate
Powder contains alginate
and must be activated by
moisture-forms gel
Film with alginate pad
Alginate with controlled
release, noncytotoxic
ionic silver
Combination of nonwoven
alginate and CMC fiber
Antibacterial, antifungal,
alginate provides
Releases silver ions in a
controlled manner for up
to 4 days
Wound exudate mixes with
alginate to form a gel
Broad spectrum of bacteria
and fungi
Staph aureus, P.
Aeruginosa, E. coli, C.
albicans, A. niger.
Broad spectrum of bacteria
and fungi, including
Negative pressure dressing:
use with negative
pressure therapy
Surgical and chronic wounds
Film: use with line sites,
postoperative incisions
and donor sites
Powder can be used with
the VAC (change every
Monday and Thursday)
Deep, tunneling, wounds
with High volume
exudates (note: do not
use on dry wounds, black
necrotic tissue, third
degree burns, or those
with known sensitivity to
Partial and full-thickness
wounds with moderate-to-
high volume exudate,
postoperative wounds,
traumatic wounds, leg
ulcers, pressure ulcers,
diabetic ulcers, graft and
donor sites (note: do not
use for third-degree burns,
dry wounds with light
volume exudate, those
with known sensitivity to
alginates or silver, surgical
implantation, or to control
heavy bleeding)
Silverlon Adhesive Strip,
Argentum Medical, LLC
Silverlon Elastic Wraps,
Argentum Medical, LLC
Silverlon Tubular Stretch Net,
Argentum Medical, LLC
Silverlon Gloves
Medical, LLC
Silverlon Negative Pressure
Medical, LLC
Arglaes Film,
Industries, Inc
Arglaes Alginate Powder,
Medline Industries, Inc
Arglaes Island,
Industries, Inc.
Maxorb Extra Ag+,
Industries, Inc.
Negative pressure dressing
(7 days)
Transparent film dressing
(7 days)
Alginate powder (5 days)
Island dressing (5 days)
Alginate (4 days)
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 373
374 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
Seeded with ionic silver
compound called silver
sodium hydrogen
zirconium phosphate,
which is activated by
exposure to sodium in
wound exudate
Biocompatible, nonirritating,
nonsensitizing (will not
harm granulation tissue)
Polyacrylate sheet
Constant sustained-release
of ionic silver when in
contact with moisture
Advanced fluid management
Amorphous gel with
controlled-release of
Ionic silver, alginate,
Immediate and sustained
antimicrobial activity
Foam backing
Exudate activates a
sustained release of silver
ions; silver is released
according to the amount
of exudate and bacteria
CMC fiber improves vertical
wicking and fluid handling
Reduces odor
MicroLattice synthetic matrix
donates or absorbs
Alginate provides absorption
Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria
Strains of yeast and fungi,
E. coli, S.
aureus, P. aeruginosa, C.
Broad spectrum of wound
S. aureus, P.
aeruginosa, E. coli
Broad spectrum of surface
and tissue bacteria,
MRSA, VRE, yeast
Partial and full-thickness
wounds with light to
moderate exudate
Pressure ulcers, diabetic foot
ulcers, leg ulcers, skin
tears, first and second
degree burns, grafted
wounds and donor sites,
surgical wounds,
lacerations and abrasions
Venous ulcers, pressure
ulcers, dermal lesions,
second degree burns,
donor sites
(note: do not use for third-
degree burns, ulcers
resulting from infections,
lesions associated with
active vasculitis, or in
those with known
sensitivity to silver)
Hydrocolloid: low to
moderate exudating
SilvaSorb Antimicrobial
Silver Dressing,
Industries, Inc
SilvaSorb Gel,
Industries, Inc.
Algidex Ag,
Contreet hydrocolloid,
Cavity strands sheets
Perforated sheets (7 days)
Gel (3 days)
Alginate with foam
backing (7 days)
Hydrocolloid (7 days)
Antimicrobial Silver Dressings (Continued )
Antimicrobial Product;
Form Description Function Sensitivity Indications Manufacturer
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 374
Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 375
Local treatment is found to
be more effective than
systemic when local
wound perfusion is
Hydrophilic polyurethane
membrane matrix
Same as PolyMem with
addition of silver
Nanometer silver particles
for maximum surface area
Surface is 99.9% pure
metallic silver,
autocatalytic plated to
pure nylon
Delivers silver ions passively
in the presence of
Will not stain or tattoo the
Ionic silver compound is
distributed within the
Exudate management
Autolytic debridement
Effective against odor
causing bacteria
Wound exudate is absorbed
into the dressing and
liberates silver ions from
the matrix
Broad spectrum of bacteria,
fungi, yeast, including
Silver ions are released
within 30 minutes
Conductivity reduces pain
and inflammation
Assists with autolysis of
necrotic wounds
Provides a combination of
sustained antibacterial
activity, exudate manage-
ment, and moisture
control; reduces odor
Broad spectrum of bacteria:
fungi, yeast, MRSA, VRE
Local broad-spectrum
antimicrobial activity for
bacteria and fungi,
including MRSA, VRE,
aeruginosa, E. faecalis
In vitro antibacterial activity
for certain strains known
to be detrimental to
wound healing;
bactericidal for wide
range of surface bacteria,
Can be used under
compression bandaging
Foams: wounds with
moderate-to-high volume
exudate (note: foams may
cause transient discolor-
ation; not for those with
known sensitivity to
silver; do not use with
hypochlorite solutions or
hydrogen peroxide)
Pressure and leg ulcers and
dermatologic disorders
Acute wounds and skin tears
Donor and graft sites and first
and second degree burns
Chronic wounds, burns,
traumatic wounds,
surgical wounds, leg
ulcers, diabetic foot
ulcers, pressure ulcers,
pyoderma gangrenosa,
incisions, lacerations,
animal bites, abrasions
Can be used with the VAC
and Apligraf (note: do not
use with plain
radiographic and CT
images or MRI)
Requires moistening with
sterile water initially and
q12-24 hours if dressing
becomes dry
Do not use with those who
are sensitive to silver or
Wounds with moderate to
high exudate
Contreet adhesive foam,
Contreet nonadhesive foam,
Contreet Foam cavity,
PolyMem Silver Island
Ferris Mfg.
PolyMem Silver
Nonadhesive dressing,
Ferris Mfg. Corp
PolyWic Silver Cavity Wound
Ferris Mfg. Corp.
SilverDerm 7,
Industries, LLC
Geritrex Corp.
Adhesive foam (7 days)
Nonadhesive foam (7 days)
Contreet foam cavity
(7 days)
Island dressing (7 days)
Nonadhesive dressing
(7 days)
Cavity wound filler (7 days)
Nylon cloth (7 days)
Nonadhesive foam sponge
dressing (7 days)
3727-WJ330404-Tomaselli.qxd 7/3/06 4:05 PM Page 375
376 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
Hydrocolloid island
dressing (3 days)
Hydrogel (7 days)
Wound contact dressing
(7 days)
MRSA, methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
; VRE, vancomycin-resistant
; ORC, oxidized regenerated cellulose; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; CMC, carboxymethylcellulose; CT, computed to-
mography; MMP, matrix metalloproteinases. Reprinted by permission of Premier Health Solutions, LLC.
Antimicrobial Silver Dressings (Continued )
Antimicrobial Product;
Form Description Function Sensitivity Indications Manufacturer
Foam structure ensures high
retention and slough
handling capacity,
perforated for flexible
Uses X-STATIC silver
technology for
continuous, sustained
release of silver cations
Fabric substrate with a
metallic silver surface
containing approximately
1.5% silver oxide
Consists of 1.5% of fiber
substrates with a metallic
silver surface containing
99.9% pure elemental
silver, 92.7% Mohm
Water, 5.5% polyethylene
oxide, 0.18%
methylparaben, and
0.05% propylparaben
Consists of 1.5% silver oxide
Hydrocolloid island dressing
and Hydrogel: permit
passage of wound fluid
through the product to be
absorbed by an overlay
absorbent material
tissue bacteria, resistant
bacteria and yeast
Bactericidal activity against
a broad range of
Chronic wounds (leg ulcers
and all stages of pressure
ulcers), partial-thickness
wounds, postoperative
wounds, skin abrasions,
donor sites, diabetic foot
Hydrocolloid: partial and full-
thickness dermal ulcers,
leg ulcers (vascular,
venous, pressure,
diabetic), superficial
wounds, abrasions, first
and second degree burns,
donor sites
Hydrogel: Same as
hydrocolloid +débrided
and grafted partial-
thickness wounds
Contact: same as
hydrocolloid +incisions,
granulating areas, skin
grafts, graft fixation,
lacerations, dermatologic
lesions, excisions, delayed
closure wounds
Should be moistened with
sterile water
Silver seal Hydrocolloid
Island Dressing,
Silver Seal Hydrogel
Silver Seal Wound contact
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Disadvantages of Antimicrobial
Topical Silver Preparations
Like all wound care strategies, silver products are associated
with certain limitations. For example, the active form of
silver is rapidly inactivated in the wound bed, requiring re-
peated applications to be effective. Silver can also stain tis-
sues and equipment, particularly when it is applied in the
presence of moisture. Argyria, a bluish hue to the skin as a
result of the deposition of silver in the dermis, also may
occur.6Although silver may reduce the amount of exotox-
ins being produced, it does not reverse the adverse effects of
existing exotoxins. In addition, as Gram-negative bacteria
are destroyed, endotoxins are released that could poten-
tially exert a negative effect on wound healing.12 The use
of silver is rapidly increasing in the field of wound care,
and a wide variety of silver-containing dressings are now
available. Concern associated with the overuse of silver and
the consequent emergence of bacterial resistance is being
raised.25,26 Finally, a small number of cases of silver toxicity
have been reported, although no cases of hypersensitivity
or allergic responses have occurred.3,8,27-30
Ionic silver has broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects and can
play an important role in the management of wound bioburden.
Silver preparations reduce bacterial counts on the wound
surface but are ineffective against invasive infection (cellulitis).
Silver products should be used as a component of a compre-
hensive wound management program and should be selected on
the basis of wound characteristics and properties of the specific
Overuse of silver should be avoided.
There are many unanswered questions regarding the optimal
use of silver preparations, which can only be resolved with addi-
tional in vivo and clinical studies.
1. Kingsley A. The wound infection continuum and its applica-
tion to clinical practice. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2003;49(7A
2. Cutting KF, White R. Criteria for identifying wound infection-
revisited. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2005;51(1):28-34.
3. Burrell BE. A scientific perspective on the use of topical silver
preparations. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2003;49(5A suppl):19-24.
4. Falanga V. Wound bed preparation: future approaches. Ostomy
Wound Manage. 2003;49(5A suppl):30-33.
5. Sibbald RG, Orsted H, Schultz GS, et al. Preparing the wound
bed 2003: focus on infection and inflammation. Ostomy
Wound Manage. 2003;49(11):24-51.
6. Gibbons B. The antimicrobial benefits of silver and the rele-
vance of microlattice technology. Ostomy Wound Manage.
7. Tomaselli N. Prevention and treatment of surgical site infec-
tions. Infect Control Resour. 2003;2(1):1, 4-6.
8. Fumal I, Braham C, Paquet P, et al. The beneficial toxicity
paradox of antimicrobials in leg ulcer healing impaired by a
polymicrobial flora: a proof of concept study. Dermatology.
2002;204(suppl 1):70-74.
9. Wall IB, Davies CE, Hill KE, et al. Potential role of anaerobic
cocci in impaired human wound healing. Wound Rep Regen.
10. Stephens P, Wall IB, Wilson MJ. Cutaneous biology: anaero-
bic cocci populating the deep tissues of chronic wounds im-
pair cellular wound healing responses in vitro. Br J Dermatol.
11. Edwards R, Harding KG. Bacteria and wound healing. Curr
Opin Infect Dis. 2004;17(2):91-96.
12. Ovington LG. Bacterial toxins and wound healing. Ostomy
Wound Manage. 2003;49(7A suppl):8-12.
13. Kingsley A. A proactive approach to wound infection. Nurs
Standard. 2001;15(30):50-58.
14. Schultz GS, Sibbald RG, Falanga V, et al. Wound bed prepara-
tion: a systematic approach to wound management. Wound
Repair Regen. 2003;11(suppl 1):S1-S28.
15. Demling RH, DeSanti L. Effects of silver on wound manage-
ment. Wounds. 2001;13(suppl A):4.
16. Sibbald RG, Williamson D, Orsted H, et al. Preparing the
wound bed: debridement, bacterial balance and moisture bal-
ance. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2000;46(11):14.
To ensure positive results with advanced wound therapies,
bioburden must be reduced. Topical silver preparations pro-
vide excellent antimicrobial protection that reduces wound
bioburden and may enhance wound closure. Although ex-
isting research has demonstrated clear benefits of silver
products in the laboratory setting, in vivo studies to evalu-
ate the efficacy of these products in the clinical setting and
comparing the efficacy of the various topical silver prepara-
tions are needed. In addition, silver cations are known to
possess electrical conductivity, and trials are in progress to
determine whether silver also may play a role in reducing
wound pain.
The development of bacterial resistance has led to renewed
interest in silver products.
Reduction of bioburden is a critical element of wound bed
preparation and promotion of wound healing.
he use of silver is rapidly increasing in the
wound care field, and a wide variety of silver-
containing dressings are now available.
Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 377
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378 Tomaselli J WOCN
July/August 2006
17. Ovington LG. The truth about silver. Ostomy Wound Manage.
2004;50(9A suppl):1S-10S.
18. Driver V. Silver dressing in clinical practice. Ostomy Wound
Manage. 2004;50(9A suppl):11S-15S.
19. Pah-Lavan Z. Wound care. Part 2: dressings. Nurse 2 Nurse.
20. Lansdown ABG. A guide to the properties and uses of silver
dressings in wound care. Professional Nurse. 2005;20(5):41-43.
21. Carson M, Tamulonis R, Peterson K. The use of unique deliv-
ery system of ionic silver. Acute Care Perspect. 2004;13(2):
22. Ovington L. Overview of matrix metalloprotease modula-
tion and growth factor protection in wound healing. Part 1.
Available at: www.podiatrytoday.com/WNDS/matrix/pt1.cfm.
Accessed March 30, 2004.
23. Dowsett C. The use of silver based dressings in wound care.
Nurs Standard. 2004;19(7):56-58.
24. Tomaselli N. Teaching the patient with a chronic wound. Adv
Skin Wound Care. 2005;18(7):379-390.
25. Brett D. Silver as an antimicrobial agent. Remington Rep.
2005;(July/August suppl):4-10.
26. Brett DW. A discussion of silver as an antimicrobial agent: alle-
viating the confusion. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2006;52(1):
27. Lansdown ABG, Williams A. How safe is silver in wound care?
J Wound Care. 2004;13(4):131-136.
28. Lansdown ABG. A review of the use of silver in wound care:
facts and fallacies. Br J Nurs. 2004:13(6)(Tissue Viability
Supplement):S6, S8, S10.
29. Drosou A, Falabella A, Kirsner RS. Antiseptics on wounds: an
area of controversy. Wounds Compend Clin Res Pract. 2003;
30. Lansdown ABG. Silver 2: toxicity in mammals and how its
products aid wound repair. J Wound Care. 2002;11(5):173-177.
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