Volume 33/Number 4 Tomaselli 369
ment.3Silver is effective against superficial pathogens, but
it may not inhibit bacteria that have penetrated a signifi-
cant distance into the wound bed (deep infection). Sibbald
and associates16 suggest this may not be an issue for contam-
inated or critically colonized wounds where the organ-
isms have not penetrated the wound bed. Consequently,
silver is indicated for mild wound infections, but not celluli-
tis. Antimicrobial silver preparations can be used to help de-
crease the bacterial count when colonization or critical
colonization is suspected.
proteins, and biofilm bacteria are surrounded by a nonpro-
tein material that may protect the bacteria against the anti-
microbial. Because of complex factors such as the presence
of a biofilm, mixture of multiple bacterial species, tissue pro-
teins, and anions, silver dressings may never achieve the kill
rates in vivo that are seen in vitro. Without the availability
of in vivo studies, clinicians must make assumptions about
the superiority of one dressing over another on the basis of
in vitro data.17
■Differences in Various Types
of Silver Preparations
Silver with a positive charge is known as ionic silver or the
silver cation and is abbreviated as Ag+. All silver-based
dressings contain the same active ingredient, the silver
cation, but use different methods for creating and incor-
porating a reservoir for the release of the silver cation.
There are differences in the composition of the dressings
that affect their performance in terms of maintaining
moisture or managing exudate. Antimicrobial silver dress-
ings also differ in the amount of silver they contain and
the rate at which silver is released. Ovington17 reports that
although in vitro studies show varied performance among
dressings with higher amounts or faster release rates of sil-
ver, no in vivo data exist to support this assumption. There
are a variety of delivery vehicles for delivering silver cations
(Ag+), including creams, cloths, hydrofibers, alginates,
foams, pad and island dressings, hydrocolloids, barrier
dressings, cavity strands, perforated sheets, gels, adhesive
strips, elastic wraps, tubular stretch nets, and gloves. Table 1
categorizes antimicrobial silver dressings according to form,
description, function, antimicrobial sensitivity, and indi-
cation. These preparations are designed to treat specific in-
fections as indicated by the manufacturers. They do not
cure infection but can inhibit the progression of bacterial
penetration. The use of saline should be avoided because
it will reduce the release of ionic silver. Papain-urea debrid-
ing ointment is inactivated by silver salts and should not
be used in combination with antimicrobial silver dress-
Selection of the most appropriate silver dressings must
be individualized.19-21 Maintenance debridement is needed
to remove both bacterial debris and exudate, which pro-
duce senescent cells. More silver is not necessarily better be-
cause excessive concentrations may delay healing if the
silver attacks host cells.22 In addition, wide variability exists
in the amount of clinical evidence supporting the use of in-
dividual products.23
Providing the patient, family, and care providers with
a greater understanding of the treatment plan will encour-
age their participation in wound management and ensure
appropriate application of silver products. Education in-
cludes appropriate wound care techniques, signs and symp-
toms of infection, and when to contact a healthcare
ntimicrobial silver preparations can be
used to help decrease the bacterial count
when colonization or critical colonization is
The antimicrobial performance of silver dressings may
be evaluated by a variety of in vitro methods. The first is a
zone of inhibition study. An agar plate is inoculated with
bacteria and a silver dressing is placed on the plate. During
incubation, bacteria grow and the silver dressing releases
cations. If the cations kill the bacterial cells, no growth or a
clear area around the dressing will be visible, called the zone
of inhibition.17 The second in vitro method is a log reduc-
tion study, which measures the decline in colony forming
units (CFU). An antimicrobial silver dressing is added to a
test tube containing a solution with bacteria. Measurement
requires removal of a portion of the solution from the test
tube at different time points to determine whether bacte-
rial counts are decreasing. The efficacy of silver against a
specific strain of bacteria is measured as a logarithmic re-
duction in CFU over time.17 Silver preparations are consid-
ered bactericidal if they induce a 3 or greater log reduction
in a 30-minute assay. Alternatively, percentages may be
used to measure reduction in CFUs. The clinician should
note that the reduction in logs is much less when calculated
as a percentage.
Specific terms are used to analyze the effective concen-
tration of silver. Minimum inhibitory concentration refers
to the minimum concentration of silver that an agent must
have to be bacteriostatic. A minimum of 0.08 parts per mil-
lion of silver is required to control the growth of bacteria.
Minimum bactericidal concentration refers to the mini-
mum concentration of silver that an agent must have to be
bactericidal. A minimum of 0.4 parts per million of silver is
required to kill bacteria.
In vitro studies using the testing methods described in
the preceding sections have been performed on simulated
wound fluid in the laboratory.17 These data are not from real
life situations, and clinical studies on human wound fluid
are necessary for comparative data. In vivo studies need to
be conducted to determine if bacteria in biofilm are less sus-
ceptible to antimicrobial silver dressings. Silver binds to